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Swing into Success-Golf For All

As an insider who has golfed for 15 years, I want to give all children the opportunity to experience the benefits of golf from building persistence and resilience to placing them outdoors. To bring this sport for all children, I created a compact kit for children with the necessary tools and instructions when starting golf.​


User Experience Design| Education Design | 2023

The Problem
Growing Interest in Golf for Children But Not All Can Afford to Play

Current trends

With the work from home schedules and the adjacent experiences from Top Golf, golf has become the largest growing sport in the past few years among all ages. People love the sport thanks to its outdoor aspect, the challenges it poses, and the ability to play with anyone with the handicap system. However, golf is still a sport for the upper class due to expensive equipment and facilities.

Age of kids beginning golf




Cost to play


Pain Points
Why is it difficult for kids to start golf?

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Difficult to begin alone

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Need guidance to improve

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Lose interest with time

How might we make the process of beginning golf easier for more children to experience the game?

My Mission
Give All Children the Ability to Experience Golf

As someone who golfed for 15+ year, I experienced its benefits first hand. Golf has taught me persistence and resilience. It has shaped me into who I am today, affecting my work ethics and mentality when I am met with challenge.


Through these year I encounter many families working multiple jobs to provide for their kids to golf. Children want to try out new things, but learning a new skill may be a big investment up front. I want to create a product that gives all children the ability to experience golf.


Existing Solutions 
Lack of Educational Sources and Uninteresting

When children are developing an interest in golf, parents with a larger budget would buy children a set of real clubs while those with a smaller budget would opt-in for plastic clubs or more golf inspired games.

Current Market Products 

How does the market currently grab a child’s attention when it comes to golf?

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Accurate representation

Golf inspired


Though there are endless golf related products, there is a lack of products that combines accurate representation of golf and compactness for children.

Pros & Cons of Current Products

Educational to extend and easily accessible

Inaccurate representation of golf

Lack guidance and motivation in learning process

Other educational sources such as private lessons become big investments up front with not immediate measurable benefits

These kits lack in:

  1. Instruction and tips when beginning

  2. Giving feedback

  3. Fun or interesting overtime

Children’s Challenges of Beginning Golf

I interviewed 5 children on their biggest challenges when starting out in golf and they shared their frustrations.

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Hanni L.


7 years old


Boston, MA


Golf is a hard sport to start and I don’t know where to begin.

Mika H.


8 years old


Kaneohe, HI


I want to gain instant feedback when learning something new.

Jay P.


8 years old


Orlando, FL


I always lose interest as things gets repetitive overtime.

Summary of Pain Points

Golf differs from other sports as an individual sport and children need guidance as it may not be as intuitive as other sports.

Its main pain points include:

  1. Golf is a difficult sport to begin alone

  2. Children need guidance to improve their skills

  3. Children lose interest to stay motivated to keep practicing

Potential Solutions Based on Pain Points

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Difficult to begin with

Compact Kit

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Clear & Fun Guidance

Gamify the Experience

Hard to find instructions

Lack of interest and motivation


My Solution
Assist Children Through the Learning Process By Building a Kit Serving as a Mentor

Why should we design a Kit? 

Based on the pain points a golfing kit can be a one stop learning experience when children are beginning, if we provide the necessary tools for children and keep them motivated to continue practicing.

Designing a kit for children as their mentor and not merely a kit makes them feel supported and motivated through the process.

Kit benefits:

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Ideate to Design the Most Compact Yet Educational Kit

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Potential Items

Items to improve learning

1. Hole Box

Hold items and act as a box

2. Telescopic Rod

Adjust length of club

3. Impact Ball

Keep arms connected

4. Putter Grip

Swap out when putting and aligns to club face

5. Grip Trainer 

Demonstrates correct grip

6. Club Heads

Attach to rod and offer flexibility 

Final Design 
Build a Kit Prioritizing Developing Fundamental Skills

To make the beginning process not overwhelming I decided to focus on designing one area of the game, full swing, when  determining the necessary items in the kit.







Scoring Card

Telescopic Rod

Iron Head

Impact Ball

Grip Trainer

What's in the box?

Guide children through learning process with clear steps and tips

Instruction Card

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Detachable and easy to assemble

Grip Trainer

A detachable grip trainer teaches children the correct way to hold a club.

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Loosen arms and hands

Place lower lifted mound between left thumb and palm

Interlock left index finger and right pinky

Place right thumb between two mounds on front of grip

Importance in the Correct Grip

The training grip provides the player with control and stability when swinging the golf club. Grip directly affects the orientation of the club face at impact, with the correct amount of pressure will increase potency and precision of strokes.

Simple drill for effective practice in small spaces

Impact Ball

Swing impact ball shows children the correct position at impact, keeping arms connected. Often times people arrive at impact club first, this impact ball prevents it by moving club and body together at impact.

Place the ball between forearms

Swing back slowly where green is showing forward

Swing forward and check ball(line) position at impact

Follow through with the gray side facing forward

Importance in Connected Arms

The impact ball trains the body and club to move together through impact, controls the direction by squaring the face thorough proper forearm rotation. By reducing body movement scooping and coming over the ball can be prevented.

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Scoring & Reflection Card

Adding a competition aspect to the kit makes practice more interesting.

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Encourage Children to reflect after each round also allows them to self-improve by considering what areas they can improve.

User Journey
How Will Children Begin Golf With the Help of This Kit?

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Mika H.


Mika wants to pick up a new hobby that he can have long-term.


  • Learn a new skill with clear guidance

  • Feel accomplished

  • Convenient to use anywhere





user journey

Brainstorm relevant and interesting skills to learn

Discover interest and consider next steps

Follow instructions & tips to learn fundamentals 

Improve on skill through practice and competition

I’m confused, what do I do with these tools?

What's a fun skill I can learn at home?

I think I can easily follow these tips...

It feels so good to score my personal best!

Pain Points & Opportunities:

  • Unclear goals

  • High interest in learning

  • Limited to at-home

  • Uncertainty on where to begin

  • Lack of information

  • Ambiguity of learning from square one

  • Guide user through process

  • Loss of interest

  • Incorporation of competition aspect

Key Takeaways & Future Works

What did I learn from this project?

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The Power of Inclusion

Underrepresented groups need extra attention to create a more welcoming environment. When individuals feel valued and included, they are more likely to contribute, building a tighter community.

Synthesize Information

Synthesizing my previous experiences has equipped me with valuable insights for current research. Designing for the user necessitates a deep understanding of their needs, preference, and behaviors as your own.

Foster Growth

A child learning journey is continuous and influences their later development. Offering opportunities that actively support and nurture their physical, cognitive, emotional and social well-being can make a lasting impact.

What could be done in the future?

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Technology Integration:

Explore possibilities of integrating technology into the kit. This could include interactive elements like score-tracking apps, augmented reality features to enhance the playing experience, or even simple electronic components that react when a hole is completed.

Sustainability and Eco-friendliness:

Look into using sustainable materials for future kits or designing a program to recycle old kits. Educating kids about the importance of sustainability in sports equipment can be a valuable lesson.

Expansion Packs and Upgrades:

Plan for expansion packs or upgrade kits that can be added to the base kit. These could include additional obstacles, different types of putting greens, or even advanced golfing tools for kids who develop a deeper interest in the sport.

Partnerships with Schools and Educational Institutions:

Establish partnerships with schools and educational institutions to incorporate the golf-for-all kit into physical education or after-school programs, promoting both physical activity and the fun of golf.

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